Eovia Carrara Studio� V1.1 � Content CD � Read Me

This Read Me file contains information about the Carrara Studio Content CD.


1- Welcome to Carrara Studio Content CD:
The Carrara Studio Content CD contains over 400 megabytes of Carrara Studio files, textures and tools.

2- Objects:
The Objects folder contains more than 850 Carrara Studio objects. Use the Object Catalog to browse the contents of this folder. All the objects have textures and are ready to be used. To learn how to create your own objects with Carrara Studio feel free to dissect the hundreds of objects found in this folder.

To find a particular object, use the Object Catalog to browse the contents of this folder

3- Textures:
Carrara Studio also comes with textures ready to be applied to your objects. Use the Carrara Studio Texture Room to load and apply a texture to an object.

4- Art Gallery:
We have also included images created by some of the Carrara Studio Users and the Carrara Team at Eovia. Enjoy these and use them as an inspiration.

At the same time, please be aware that all of the finished images and animations are the property of the creators as noted in the �Art Gallery� folder; each artist retains Copyright for their respective work. These images may not be reproduced or distributed.

5- Resources:
This folder contains important information on the Carrara Studio Community. Carrara Studio has a strong community of users. The best way to learn more about Carrara Studio, exchange tips and tricks, tutorials, show your images, is to be part of the Carrara Studio Community. There are various ways to interact with the Carrara Studio users and the Carrara Studio Team at Eovia: web sites, mailing lists, chat rooms. Go to the resources folder to learn more about this.

6- Software Development Kit:
If you�re missing something within the application, you can create it yourself. The C++ developer can extend any part of Carrara Studio, including the modelers and renderers. Creating a new plug-in is as simple as editing one of the examples provided in the SDK. The SDK even includes a unique user interface tool to build cross-platform plug-ins. The SDK provides you with exactly the same tools and APIs that we used to create Carrara Studio. We encourage you to go to the SDK folder to learn how to get the Carrara Studio Software Development Kit.

7- Trademarks:
Eovia and Carrara Studio are trademarks or registered trademarks of Eovia Corporation. Any other trademarks are used for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners.

8- Copyright:
�2001 Eovia Corporation. No part of Reference Guide or program may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Eovia Corporation. All rights reserved.

9- Notice:
This ReadMe, as well as the software described in it is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the End Users License Agreement located in the installer portion of the Program. Before using this software, make sure you have read, understood and agreed to the End Users License Agreement.